Can you imagine the concerts travelling to the listeners? During the festival you will be able to hear cello sounds while having breakfast in the hotel or café as well as at your own school in the afternoon. One of the travelling concerts, happening at the Chapel of St Francis of Assisi, is dedicated to the oncological patients. Therefore, everyone interested is welcome to join.
Travelling Cellos – closer to the listeners!
8 am Café „Kavos architektai“
8 am Hotel “Amberton Klaipėda”
8.30 am Hotel “Navalis”
9 am Hotel “Radisson Blu”
10 am Kindergarten-School „Vaikystės sodas“
8 am Café „Kavos architektai“
8 am Hotel “Amberton Klaipėda”
8.30 am Hotel “Navalis”
9 am Hotel “Radisson Blu”
11.00 am Klaipėda Žemyna Gymnasium
8 am Café “Kavos architektai“
8 am Hotel “Amberton Klaipėda”
K9 am Hotel “Radisson Blu”
9 am Klaipėda I. Simonaitytė Public Library
2.30 pm Klaipėda E. Balsys Gymnasium of Arts
8.30 am Hotel “Navalis“
9.00 am Hotel “Radisson Blu“
10 am Klaipėda Vydūnas Gymnasium
9 am Hotel “Amberton Klaipėda“
9.30 am Hotel “Navalis“
3 pm Chapel of St Francis of Assisi
Admission free