Start of the event:

May 6

Start of the event:




Place of the event:


Pavel Serbin (baroque cello)

Magdalena Ceple (baroque cello)

Reinut Tepp (harpsichord)

Programme: Jacob Klein der Junger, Johann Sebastian Bach, Georg Philipp Telemann, Anonymous (Transcriptions of Jean-Philippe Rameau’s works)


The historic Friedrich Poterna of the Castle Museum will transform into a stage for a Baroque dialogue. Virtuoso Baroque cellists, together with one of Estonia’s most renowned harpsichordists, will invite the audience to discover the enchanting world of 18th-century composers. Come and immerse yourself in a magical journey through time, where exquisite Baroque music will fill the air!

The evening’s program is dedicated to the Baroque cello repertoire, offering a glimpse into how 18th-century composers sought new compositional contexts. At the time, the cello was still a relatively new solo instrument. The first sonatas for the cello were published in Italy around 1697, but it took time for composers to fully embrace the cello as a serious solo instrument. The second publication followed in 1717, when Jacob Klein der Junger from Amsterdam released a collection of sonatas for the bass viol, as the cello was then called. His innovative harmonic ideas were expressed through the use of various cello tunings (“discordato”), a striking example being Jacob Klein der Junger’s Sonata Op. 3 No. 5.

The second aspect of the program is the art of transcription. The performers will present pieces from a little-known book of virtuosic transcriptions for two cellos, published in Paris around 1750. In this collection, an anonymous composer arranged popular folk songs and fragments from Jean-Philippe Rameau’s operas. The third element of the evening’s program explores contemporary experiments in finding historical foundations for well-known works. For instance, Georg Philipp Telemann’s twelve fantasies for viola da gamba may have originally been intended for the cello. Another example is Johann Sebastian Bach’s Suite No. 2 in D minor for cello, whose French style is further emphasized when adapted to a concert form for two cellos with basso continuo, highlighting its French character. These transcriptions are crafted by trio member Pavel Serbin.


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